Mgr Katarzyna Mikołajczyk-Graj
University of Warsaw
English abstract: In Neil MacCormick’s social ontology, the most important concept is ‘institution’. It is characterised by the notion of the institution’s normative core, which distinguishes the given institution from other institutions of social life. The normative core of an institution consists of a collection of values realised by it and a set of social practices. An analysis of professional ethics according to Neil MacCormick’s social ontology allows us to distinguish the normative core of this institution, which may be cognitively promising for several reasons. First of all, the institutional perspective may be helpful in solving the problems with justifying a lawyer’s power, which is based on formalized ethical codes. Secondly, establishing a central set of professional values and practices will make it easier for participants of the given practice to choose the right course of action. Thirdly, identifying the normative core of legal professions will allow us to determine the extent of interference in the self-government of legal professions.
Keywords: legal ethics, Neil MacCormick, institutions
Language: Polish
Published: Number 1(16)/2018, pp. 46-53.
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