We invite you to read the latest English issue of “Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej”, the Journal of the Polish Section of IVR. The issue includes the following papers:
- Dr Martin Hapla: The Problem of Recognition of Human Rights: Does Explicative Existential Justification Really Work?
- Dr Maciej Juzaszek: Philosophical Analysis of Two Types of Legal Responsibility
- Dr Dawid Kostecki: Ethics of a Public Administration Official in Poland: Prospects for the Development of Professional Deontology
- Doc. dr Pavel Ondřejek: Threshold of Justification of Emergency Regulations: On Coherentism Requirement for the Justification of Measures Adopted in the Czech Republic during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Dr Łukasz Perlikowski: A Theory of Argumentation: The Case of Ethical, Political, and Utopian Thinking
- Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Pietrzykowski: Against Dignity: An Argument for a Non-Metaphysical Foundation of Animal Law
- Prof. dr Torben Spaak: Legal Realism and Functional Kinds: Michael Moore’s Metaphysically Reductionist Naturalism
- Prof. dr Giovanni Tuzet: Norms and Novelty: Reflections on Legal Knowledge, Norms and Evolutionary Systems
The issue also includes the text In Memoriam of prof. dr hab. Ryszard Sarkowicz by prof. dr hab. Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki.
The issue is available HERE.