We invite you to read the latest English issue of “Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej”, the Journal of the Polish Section of IVR. The issue includes the following papers:
- Prof. dr Stanley L. Paulson, Hans Kelsen as Outliner: The Defence of a Radical Norm Theory (translated by prof. dr hab. Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki)
- Dr Anna Budzanowska, From ‘Theophrastus Redivivus’ to Du Marais. Origin of Secularization in the Underground Philosophy of Radical Enlightenment in France
- Dr Aneta Jakubiak-Mirończuk, Deliberative Legal Education. Reflection on the Relationship Between the University and Legal Culture
- Mgr Zuzanna Krzykalska, The Account of the ‘Nature of Things’ in Gustav Radbruch’s Method of ‘Legal Construction’ in the Context of Assumptions of Legal Positivism
- Dr Tomasz Snarski, A Wisdom of Chinese Aphorisms. A Few Remarks on the Philosophy of Criminal Law between Chinese and European Rudimentals
- Mgr Michał Stachurski, From Tischner’s Critique of the Understanding of Work in Marxism to the Apotheosis of Work as Dialogue
- Bartosz Szyler, On Gustav Radbruch’s Notion of Antinomies of the Idea of Law
The issue also includes the report from the International Scientific Conference: Professionalization of the Profession of Mediator: Current State and Perspectives of Changes in the Legal Systems of Poland and Ukraine, Lublin–Łuck–Odessa, 20 May 2021, by dr Paweł Kłos.
The issue is available HERE.