We invite you to read the latest issue of „Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej”, the Journal of the Polish Section of IVR entitled „Democratically Legitimized Law: Deliberation and Empowerment of Citizens. Introduction”. The issue was edited by Prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr W. JUCHACZ, and includes the following texts:
- Prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr W. JUCHACZ: Democratically Legitimized Law: Deliberation and Empowerment of Citizens. Introduction
- Prof. UAM dr hab. Karolina M. CERN: Deliberative Philosophy of Administrative Sciences
- Prof. UŁ dr hab. Bartosz WOJCIECHOWSKI: Reflections on the Dynamism and Deliberativeness in the Interpretation of Law on the Example of Cases Concerning LGBTQ+ Rights
- Dr Tomasz RABURSKI: Epistemology of Application of Law and the Principle of Democratic Rule of Law
- Prof. dr hab. Ewa NOWAK: Philosophy of Right for Lay Judges. Hegel’s and Fichte’s Perspective
- Prof. UAM dr hab. Barbara JANUSZ‑POHL: The Principle of Citizens’ Participation in Criminal Trials and Legitimization of the Justice System
- Dr Paweł MAZUR: Remarks on Lay Judges in Polish Criminal Process Passing Moral Judgements
The issue also includes The Results of the Competition of the Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – Polish Section of IVR for the Best Doctoral Thesis in the field of Theory and Philosophy of Law.
The issue is available HERE.