We invite you to read the latest English issue of „Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej”. The issue includes the following texts:
- Mgr Bartłomiej BODZIŃSKI-GUZIK: The ‘Theatrical’ in Public Participation: How Can Theatre Contribute to Citizens’ Engagement in Legislative Development?
- Prof. UMK dr hab. Łukasz DOMINIAK: Proceeds of Crime, Punishment, and Libertarianism
- Dr Bartosz JANIK: An explanatory framework for legal grounding
- Prof. dr hab. Joanna MISZTAL-KONECKA: Separate and Dissenting Judicial Opinions and Their Significance for a Democratic Society. Reflections Against the Background of Polish Law
- Mgr Katarzyna RUŻYCZKA: Should Judges Be Empathic? The Place of Judges’ Empathy in Therapeutic Jurisprudence
- Mgr Wojciech RZEPIŃSKI: Ascription of content to provisions of the law by judicial practice. Theoretical analysis of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal’s judgments
- Dr Magdalena WOJDALA: Non-textual elements in judicial opinions: overview
The issue is available HERE.