Mgr Izabela Skoczeń
Jagiellonian University
English abstract In the present paper, I attempt to answer three questions. First, whether the classical Gricean version of the implicature theory can be applied to describe legal discourse. Second, I provide an outline of one of the most popular theories of the pragmatics of legal language. Namely, Andrei Marmor’s theory of strategic speech. Strategic speech occurs mostly in indeterminate contexts, which contain elements that license even contradictory pragmatic inferences. Next, I attempt to flesh out the problematic points of this account. Third, I attempt to formulate a descriptive model of the strategic selectivity of pragmatic elements in the law, that could face the objections to Marmor’s ideas.
Keywords: conversational implicature, Paul Grice, pragmatics, interpretation, strategic speech
Language: Polish
Received: 06.10.2016
Accepted: 10.12.2016
Published: Number 1(14)/2017, pp. 115-124.
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