„Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej” is a scientific journal in open access, published by the Polish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) in cooperation with Wolters Kluwer Polska, devoted to promotion of research on theory and philosophy of law, social philosophy, political philosophy and sociology of law.
Aim and Scope
The aim of “Archiwum” is to publish original and current research results, to create a forum for academic discussion, as well as to promote science in the manner of social responsibility.
The thematic scope of “Archiwum” is broad and includes many different forms of general reflection on law and its environment, primarily: theory and philosophy of law, social philosophy, political philosophy and sociology of law. We encourage authors to publish papers tackling particular branches of law, as long as they provide a significant contribution to the theory and philosophy of law or other aforementioned subdisciplines, or at least apply their methodology.
“Archiwum” is a journal publishing papers and other scientific texts primarily in following fields: law and philosophy. In the Polish Ministry of Education and Science list of scored journals “Archiwum” is further assigned to the following disciplines: international relations, family sciences, ethnology and cultural anthropology, Polish studies (Polonistics).
“Archiwum” is open to various approaches, methodological traditions, perspectives and research trends, both traditional, well established and innovative and pioneering.
More information about goals and thematic range of “Archiwum” can be found here.
Information about Publisher
“Archiwum” is published by the Polish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) – a non-profit academic association which connects researchers mainly in fields of legal theory and legal philosophy. It is one of more than thirty national sections of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy IVR (Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts und Sozialphilosophie), founded in Berlin in 1909. IVR traditionally publishes Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosopie (ARSP). National sections of the IVR publish their own journals as well. “Archiwum” is the polish counterpart to ASRP.
The Polish section was created on the initiative of Prof. Jerzy Wróblewski, it was registered in 1993 and operates across all universities in Poland. Currently it has several dozen of members – including proffessors, academics and graduate students. Publishing “Archiwum” was one of Polish section’s goals since its inception, however first issue was printed only in 2010 with ISSN number: 2082-3304.
To ensure editorial standards of proffessional quality and proper distribution of printed version, publisher since first issue strictly cooperates with Wolters Kluwer Polska, leading Polish publisher on market of legal publications.
Editorial Board and Editorial Committee
Editorial Board of the „Archiwum” is comprised of General Editor chosen by the General Assembly of Members of the Polish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), as well as of Deputy General Editor and Managing Editor. Contant with the Editorial Board is possible through this e-mail address: archiwum@ivr.org.pl.
Editorial Board is supported by the Editorial Committee, which includes national members, and by the International Editorial Committee, which includes non-Polish researchers. Members of both committees represent various centers of academic learning, various methodological approaches, perspectives and traditions.
Current list of members of the Editorial Board and both committees, as well as further information about these entities, can be found on our website.
Publishing Ethics
The aim of the principles of publication ethics adopted by the “Archiwum”, the journal of the Polish section of IVR, is to ensure that published papers represent the highest standards of scientific integrity and to foster an honest and open scientific discussion which respects the diversity of views and research paradigms. The principles of publication ethics adopted by our journal are in line with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Regarding the conflict of interests, they are also in line with the recommendations of the Committee on Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Komitet Nauk Prawnych PAN) concerning the disclosure of conflict of interest in scientific legal publications.
The principles of publication ethics are applied by the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee. The editors ensure that the standards are also obeyed by authors, reviewers and other people involved in publication process. More information about our policy of assuring highest possible standards of scientific enquiry and our publishing ethics can be found on our website.
Publishing Procedures
All papers submitted for publication in the “Archiwum” are subject to anti-plagiarism verification by means of Similarity Check systems provided by Crossref.
All papers submitted for publication in the “Archiwum” are subject to double-blind reviewing procedure. Our reviewers are in each case carefully chosen to be most qualified and suited members of the academy in fields of legal theory and philosophy. Reviewers are always chosen from outside of the author’s faculty and they cannot be in conflict of interests with Author/Authors. A paper is published only after two positive reviews. In case in which one of the review proves negative, Editorial Board sends such paper for a third, final review. In case in which both reviews are negative, submitted paper is denied publication. A paper after authorial review can be a subject of new reviewing procedure. A list of previous reviewers can be found on our website.
More information about our publishing procedures can be found on our website.
Publication Frequency
“Archiwum” is currently being published quarterly. In years 2010-2017 two issues a year were printed, and in 2018 and 2019 we published three issues a year.
“Archiwum” is currently included on the ranked list of scientific journals of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It is ranked with 100 points in discipline of “legal theory and philosophy”. In 2015-2018 it was included on the B list with 6 points.
“Archiwum” is also indexed in Scopus, ERIH PLUS and ICI Journals Master List.
Open Access
“Archiwum” is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author (taking into account the content of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License).
Authors may freely distribute their papers by posting them in repositories or other Internet sources. It is possible to disseminate papers in the submitted, accepted, or published versions. Due to the need to maintain the standard of a double-blind peer review process, the author’s dissemination may occur at the earliest after receiving information from the editorial board about the acceptance for publication. If the author distributes a version not published in the journal, he should indicate which version of the text he distributes.
All of journal’s various content is published online without any delays. Starting with the issue 1/2024 the texts published in “Journal of the Polish Section of IVR” are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Papers published in individual numbers can be found on our website and in online repositories: Central and Eastern European Online Library, Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities and Biblioteka Nauki.
Printed Issues
“Archiwum” is also published in printed format (B5 168 mm x 240 mm). It is sent to the members of the Polish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) who regularly pay their membership fees.
Buying of individual copies of printed issues is possible as well. All necessary information about subscriptions or purchase of individual issues are available on Wolters Kluwer Polska website or by direct contact with this publisher, by e-mail (czasopisma@wolterskluwer.pl / prenumerata@wolterskluwer.pl) or by contacting this telephone number: +48 801 04 45 45.
Authors do not transfer any copyrights to the publisher (© Copyright by Authors) and do not cover any costs of, for example, publication or reviewing. Along with submitting the text, it is required to consent to publish it under a license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The consent is part of the author’s form which is available here. Due to the fact that the journal is published in cooperation with Wolters Kluwer Poland, after accepting the text for publishing, the authors are obliged to grant Wolters Kluwer Poland the same license in written form, under pain of nullity. The editorial board sends the authors an appropriate form along with information about the acceptance of the text for publishing.
After completion of publishing procedure texts are shared through open access. From the issue 2/2021 to the issue 4/2023 the texts published in “Journal of the Polish Section of IVR” were licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. At present authors can freely redistribute files with their texts, including non-profit distribution in the internet, especially in repositories. Authors receive a printed copy of the journal as well, based on the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Prior to issue 2/2021, an exclusive license was used, however, the open access applies retroactively also to texts published in earlier issues.
“Archiwum” is published by the Polish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) – a non-profit academic association, which connects researchers mainly in fields of legal theory and legal philosophy. Publishing of the journal is not a commercial endeavour.
All costs of publishing procedures conducted by publisher’s partner, Wolters Kluwer Polska, of printing and distribution are covered firstly from publisher’s own financial resources, which consist mainly of membership fees.
Specific issues are also financed or co-financed by external actors, mainly individual academic entities. Such partners have no influence on issues’ content or Editorial Board’s conduct.
In 2019-2021, “Archiwum” was a beneficiary of the program “Support for scientific journals” of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
In 2022-2024 “Archiwum” is a beneficiary of the program “Development of scientific journals” of Polish Ministry of Education and Science. More information can be found on our website.
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