The Editorial Board invites everyone to submit papers for publication in the “Archiwum”. Below you can find all necessary information concerning submitting papers, the decision-making process of publication, a review procedure, as well as principles of publication ethics. The Editorial Board makes every effort to apply the highest publication standards and to ensure the highest substantive level of the journal.
Paper Submission
Papers in Polish or English are to be submitted via e-mail to an address:
Before making a submission please make sure that the paper is within the scope of the “Archiwum” (more here) and that it abides by following requirements.
Each submission must contain a clear indication as to the texts` type and character. “Archiwum” publishes texts in the following categories:
- Papers and Overview texts – they should contain original and current results of research or an overview of research projects. They should not be shorter than 15.000 characters (spaces and footnotes included) and should not exceed 45.000 characters (spaces and footnotes included) in length.
- Translations – only relevant texts considering the journal’s scope and purpose should be proposed for translation. We advise contacting the Editorial Board regarding the possibility of publication before making a submission. Editorial Board places the duty of obtaining permission from an original text’s Author on the Translator, including permission from the possible copyright owners. The translator is obliged to attach these permissions to the submission. Text length requirements concerning papers apply to translations as well.
- Reviews and Discussions – they should concern current book publications relating to themes within the scope of the journal or they can be an authorial answer to such a review already published in the journal. The Editorial Board can, under condition of obtaining direct permission by review’s Author, send the review to an Author of reviewed publication for the purpose of preparing an answer (ideally, for the purpose of simultaneous publication of the review and an authorial answer in one issue). These types of texts should not exceed 15.000 characters (spaces and footnotes included) in length.
- Reports – they should contain a description and potential evaluation of scientific events important from the point of view of the journal’s scientific aim and scope, such as congresses, conferences, seminars, and symposiums, as well as reports from the handing of important awards and other academic ceremonies. These types of texts should not exceed 10.000 characters (spaces and footnotes included) in length.
- In Memoriam – they should contain information about recently deceased people important for Polish theory, philosophy, and sociology of law. These types of texts should not exceed 20.000 characters (spaces and footnotes included) in length.
In justified cases, the Editorial Board can waive the requirements for the length of particular types of texts.
Each paper must contain a title, an author, his/her academic affiliation, ORCID number, and e-mail address, as well as information about possible sources of financial support (grants, funding, etc.).
All submitted papers must abide by the journal’s editorial standards. These standards for texts in English can be found here.
For the purposes of reviewing procedure, all papers ought to be anonymized, and because of that all fragments of the text which could possibly reveal Author’s identity (such as direct references to previous publications, information about sources of financing, initials in footnotes or main text etc.) must be marked with red font.
Each Author, together with the paper submitted for the publication, is obliged to submit a statement which is available here.
The author is obliged to attach the filled author’s form in an editable format including a scan or a picture of a signed copy of the author’s statement to the submitted paper. The author’s form and statement for texts in English are available here. Article’s abstract should be prepared in accordance with the following formula:
- Purpose
- Assumptions/methodology
- Main findings
- Originality/value of the study.
The author is also obliged to read the publication ethics and the information about the processing of personal data, which is to be found here.
In case of any questions or doubts, the Editorial Board will gladly answer.
Decision Regarding Publication
All submissions are subject to a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board, during which the Editorial Board checks the submitted papers for compatibility with “Archiwum”’s aim and scope, language proficiency, and compliance with editorial standards. The Editorial Board can, at this point, make a decision to reject the paper or to offer the Author corrections to the text for further publication. It does not, however, exclude those criteria again within the reviewing procedure.
All papers submitted to the “Archiwum” are also subject to the anti-plagiarism control tool Similarity Check provided by CrossRef. In case of detected plagiarism, such paper is rejected.
Subsequently, all submitted texts accepted for further review will be sent to external reviewers. The result of the reviewing procedure as described below is a basis for the decision about publication or non-publication of submitted paper.
Reviews, polemics, and reports will not be submitted to the external reviews. They will be reviewed by the Editorial Board, which makes the decision about publication or non-publication. The Editorial Board can reject a text of this kind without providing a reason or send it back for authorial corrections before publication.
Reviewing Procedure
Papers submitted to the “Archiwum” are subject to a double-blind review procedure, conducted by two external researchers in jurisprudence and philosophy. The procedure abides the following rules:
- The Editorial Board presents papers for review to researchers best suited from the point of view of issues considered in the text, always striving to provide the best possible members of the academic profession for each submission. In the case in which paper presented for review exceeds reviewers` specialty, they are obliged to inform the Editorial Board without delay.
- In the case of papers in Polish, all reviewers are independent researchers. In the case of papers in English, the Editorial Board is obliged to make every effort to ensure that at least one reviewer is affiliated outside of Poland.
- All reviewers are affiliated outside of the academic research center of the Author or Authors, and they cannot remain in a conflict of interest in the matter of the review. In case of detected conflict of interest – involving the discovery of the Author`s identity – reviewer is obliged to inform the Editorial Board immediately.
- Reviewers are obliged not to use the submitted papers in their own research up until the time of publication.
- Reviewers are obliged to remain impartial and assess only the substantive value of the text. The connection with “Archiwum”’s aim and scope, language proficiency, and compliance with editorial standards can also be evaluated. Reviewers are also obliged to inform the Editorial Board about any proved or suspected case of plagiarism or other violation of scientific ethics principles.
- The Editorial Board sets a 21-day date for completion of the review. At the request of the reviewer, or in other special circumstances, another date may be set. Reviewers are obliged to abide by the established term. Serious violations of the agreed date can be a basis for the change of the reviewer.
- Reviews are made on the review form which can be found here. The Editorial Board can agree to the reviewer’s request to make a review in individual form, for example as a description or commentary on the text. The review should be exhaustive and must contain an evaluation of all strong and weak points of the paper, which all should vouch for the final conclusion. Four eventual conclusions are acceptable: (1) positive review: paper can be published and any changes are to be left to Author’s choice; (2) positive review: paper can be published only if changes proposed by the reviewer will be introduced to the paper by the Author; (3) negative review: before the decision about non-publication the paper should be reviewed again, in order to verify whether changes proposed in the review were introduced; (4) negative review: paper cannot be published.
- The paper is published after obtaining two positive reviews. In case of positive review (type 2), the Editorial Board asks the Author to introduce changes as proposed by the reviewer. In case of one review is positive and another review is absolutely negative (type 4), the Editorial Board sends the paper to a third reviewer. In case of one review is positive and another review is negative (type 3), the Editorial Board presents a choice to the Author: he/she can decide to modify the paper acknowledging review’s criticisms, after which the paper will be reviewed again by the reviewer who prepared negative review, or he/she can decide to send the paper for a review by the third reviewer. The paper is also submitted for the third review in case of the reviewer who previously wrote a negative review would decline another review of corrected paper or would uphold the previous negative review despite the corrections introduced to the text. If the paper would receive two negative reviews, it is declined publication. However, if the paper would receive two negative reviews (type 3), it can be subjected to reviewing procedure again provided by the same or other reviewers.
The list of reviewers is to be found here.
Publication Ethics
The aim of the principles of publication ethics adopted by the “Archiwum”, the journal of the Polish section of IVR, is to ensure that published papers represent the highest standards of scientific integrity and to foster an honest and open scientific discussion which respects the diversity of views and research paradigms. The principles of publication ethics adopted by our journal are in line with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Regarding the conflict of interests, they are also in line with the recommendations of the Committee on Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Komitet Nauk Prawnych PAN) concerning the disclosure of conflict of interest in scientific legal publications.
The principles of publication ethics are applied by the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee. The editors ensure that the standards are also obeyed by authors, reviewers and other people involved in publication process. More information about our policy of assuring highest possible standards of scientific enquiry and our publishing ethics can be found on our website.
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