Legal Ethics. Lawyers’ activity in the world of institutions
Legal Ethics. Lawyers’ activity in the world of institutions. Introduction (in Polish) (dr hab. Przemysław Kaczmarek, dr Paweł Skuczyński)
Prof. KUL dr hab. Tomasz Barankiewicz
Traditional and modern conceptions of ethical and professional responsibility
Dr hab. Przemysław Kaczmarek
David J. Luban’s legal ethics: moral evaluations of acts, subjectivity, responsibility
Dr Paweł Łabieniec
Subjectivity, responsibility, historicity of a profession and a professional on the example of the profession of a legal advisor
Mgr Katarzyna Mikołajczyk-Graj
Legal ethics as an institution in the light of Neil MacCormick’s social ontology
Dr Marcin Pieniążek
Self-government institutions of the legal professions of public trust in the light of assumptions of Paul Ricoeur’s ‘little ethics’
Dr Maciej Wojciechowski
Statement of reasons for a dissenting opinion as a dialogical utterance on the example of selected rulings of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal
Mgr inż. Adrian Zając
Formalism in the application of law and ethics on the example of environmental law regulations
Dr Adam Zienkiewicz
‘The Lawyer Personality’. Personal traits of lawyers and the way they perform their professional roles
Mgr Mariola Żak
Lawyers’ professional roles in the light of the good governance model