The ‘Theatrical’ in Public Participation: How Can Theatre Contribute to Citizens’ Engagement in Legislative Development?
Prof. UMK dr hab. Łukasz DOMINIAK
Proceeds of Crime, Punishment, and Libertarianism
Dr Bartosz JANIK
An explanatory framework for legal grounding
Prof. dr hab. Joanna MISZTAL-KONECKA
Separate and Dissenting Judicial Opinions and Their Significance for a Democratic Society. Reflections Against the Background of Polish Law
Mgr Katarzyna RUŻYCZKA
Should Judges Be Empathic? The Place of Judges’ Empathy in Therapeutic Jurisprudence
Mgr Wojciech RZEPIŃSKI
Ascription of content to provisions of the law by judicial practice. Theoretical analysis of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal’s judgments
Dr Magdalena WOJDALA
Non-textual elements in judicial opinions: overview