Dr hab. Martyna Łaszewska-Hellriegel, prof. UZ
The University of Zielona Góra
English abstract: The article deals with the issue of the autonomy of law in bioethics. The first part of the text briefly presents the concepts of the autonomy of law developed by the doctrine, which are then juxtaposed with the specifics of bioethics. In epistemological terms, bioethics is a kind of hybrid, which will consist of both scientific claims and ethical arguments. The article asks whether we can speak at all about the concept of autonomy of law in bioethical issues? Or will legal arguments always depend on ethical principals? Finally, in which cases of bioethical argumentation can autonomy of law be seen? In this context, first of all, it draws the attention to the main task of bioethics, namely, the search for pragmatic solutions.
Keywords: Autonomy of law, bioethics, specificity of bioethics, postulate of moral autonomy of law, neutrality of law.
Language: Polish
Published: nr 4(41)/2024, pp. 81-90.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36280/AFPiFS.2024.4.81
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