Dr Błażej Kmieciak
Medical University of Lodz
Abstract: Patients’ rights have become in recent years a particular element of the discussion on health care. They refer to a special relationship. It is often associated with situations in which the medical expert must step into the intimate sphere of life of the sick person. This person also often experience physical or mental suffering. In debates on medicine appeared, however, a new element. It refers to information on conflicts between patients and doctors. These conflicts have a special character. They occur between the person needing help, and an expert who can give it. It is worth to think about: What is the source of that conflict? Does this conflict deepens? Are there systemic forms of assistance in resolving the dispute? Are the mediation procedures may be supported in similar difficult situations? The proposed text is attempt to answers to the above questions.
Keywords: health care, patients’ rights, doctors, conflict, conflict resolution, mediation
Language: Polish
Published: Number 1(12)/2016, p. 30-43.
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