Dr Mateusz Stępień
Jagiellonian University
English abstract: In this article author presents a synthesis of previous primatological studies concerning problem of sociality, social order and conflict resolution in non human primates. First part contains discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of sociality – treated as a one of the many possible form of living together – from an evolutionary perspective. The question is: what are fitness consequences of sociality? An inherent sources of conflicts (which reduce fitness) associated with the social living are discussed in next part. This is a necessary background for an analyze of an existing mechanisms for maintaining social order (including preventing and solving conflicts) in various non human primates societies. This are very nuanced and not easy to notice at the first glance natural mechanisms which enable to benefit from sociality despite the fact of the huge evolutionary cost of it. As author argues, the social sciences can gain many benefits from reflective and critical interest of the wider problem of sociality and social order discussed in primatology. This is clearly not a comprehensive study on these issues, but rather an attempt to draw attention to the basic topics and try to start interdisciplinary discussion over them.
Keywords: sociality, social order, conflict management, primatology, evolution
Language: Polish
Published: Number 2(3)/2011, pp. 76-91.
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