Mgr Krzysztof Goździalski
University of Łódź
Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to present the view of an Argentinian legal philosopher Carlos Cossio on the issue of law. He called his philosophy “egology”. The originality of Cossio’s works is expressed by a strong relationship between philosophy of law and his philosophical assumptions. The starting point for deliberating on law are widely recognized onthological and epistomological contentions. Cossio justifies his legal theses basing them on his philosophical views. Egology derives from Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology which is related to some elements of William Dilthey’s philosophy of culture. Martin Heiddeger’s and Immanuel Kant’s philosophies are the basis too. I described Cossio’s ontologies of subjects otherwise known as regional ontologies. I also presented methods for examining the above subjects and gnoseological acts which those methods comprise. I presented the characteristics of law as a cultural subject. The text is not only a report. Its aim is to show that Carlos Cossio’s legal philosophy is also semantic in character.
Language: Polish
Keywords: Carlos Cossio, egology, law as a cultural subject, phenomenology, regional ontologies, Jerzy Wróblewski
Published: Number 1(12)/2016, p. 12-29.
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