Mgr Marta Dubowska
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Abstract: In this paper I discuss the apparent similarities between the “literate approach” and the aspiring “visual media approach”. Then, I scrutinize arguments for utility of the second approach. It seems that even though both approaches are founded on similar humanistic considerations, they are nonetheless separate positions; thus the need to justify the application of the second approach independently of the first. As an important task in due course I consider debunking the arguments in support of accusations of the “law and film” movement of being a threat to law and its legitimacy (as related to the “law going pop” argument by Richard K. Sherwin).
Keywords: law and literature, law and film, law and popular culture, narrative, jurisprudence
Language: English
Published: Number 1(26)/2021, s. 21-32.
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