Michał Pawłowski
University of Warsaw
Abstract: This article presents the main characteristics of a group of German economists called ordoliberals. In the proposed economic solutions, they show strong inclinations towards liberal movements, however, many conservative ideas are visible, too. An assessment of the impact of these two currents is the main aim of this article. Following a discussion of ordoliberal ideas, they are investigated in detail in order to find the conservative and liberal elements. Scientific methods applied here involve comparing the s olutions to selected problems proposed by ordoliberals and by other orthodox conservative and liberal movements. The analysis leads to the conclusion that ordoliberals are much closer to conservatism than liberalism. It mostly results from their axiology and the foundations of their system. However, it is not ‘pure’ conservatism – liberalism also matters here, but from this point of view, it is only of secondary importance.
Keywords: ordoliberalism, spiritual crisis, order, liberty, market economy
Language: Polish
Received: 12.05.2017
Accepted: 27.07.2017
Published: Number 2(17)/2018, pp. 102-111.
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