Dr Henry Hardy
University of Oxford
English abstract: Against Beata Polanowksa-Sygulska (BP-S), I insist on the incompatibility between the pluralism of comprehensive world-views and belief in the monist, universalist tenets of the principal world religions, noting that God the Father and God the Son were both monists. I argue that my position is entailed by Isaiah Berlin’s rejection of the unique truth of any one comprehensive outlook, and that both Berlin and BP-S confuse toleration with acceptance. I reject the charges that my position is monistic, and that I give insufficient attention to conflict within individual values, which can in any case be treated as conflict between values.
Keywords: God, monism, pluralism, religion, Isaiah Berlin
Language: English
Published: Number 3(24)/2020, pp. 130-132.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36280/AFPiFS.2020.3.130
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