Dr Michał Stambulski
University of Zielona Góra
English abstract: The paper deals with the link between the notions of constitutional identity and nostalgic collective memory. Starting from the notion of nostalgia of postmodern society as used in social theory, it shows that this cultural condition is reflected in in constitutions. The point of reference for contemporary political projects is no longer the future but the past. Longing for a lost homeland becomes a dominant social emotion. The author shows that this vision of the past is present in constitutions, especially in post-communist countries. It influences constitutional identity and, due to different temporal structures, is in conflict with the constitutional identity of the EU. The article ends with an analysis of the consequences of such a politics of nostalgia and the possible defence mechanisms against it.
Keywords: constitutional identity, collective memories, nostalgia
Language: English
Published: Number 3(21)/2019, pp. 95-106.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36280/AFPiFS.2019.3.95
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