University of Warsaw
English abstract: The paper aims to present the concept of law proposed by F.A. Hayek in Law, Legislation and Liberty. Hayek’s theory is subsequently compared to G. Radbruch philosophy of law, mainly because of the significant difference in both thinkers’ intellectual backgrounds (i.e., liberalism and socialism). The Austrian philosopher’s theory is identified as a so-called third way proposal, an attempt to demonstrate lack of antagonism between positivism and legal naturalism. This thesis results from the fact that this theory is based on the dichotomy
between two sources of law in the form of established social practice subsequently sanctioned by the sovereign, referred to as nomos, and thesis in the form of legal instruments adopted by competent authorities. The first kind are correlated with private law in the broad sense, which law emerged from the activity of individual members of the society. The second kind should only establish norms to enable the state to operate and to safeguard nomos.
Keywords: nomos, thesis, philosophy, law, justice, society
Language: Polish
Published: Number 4(37)/2023, pp. 5-14.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36280/AFPiFS.2023.4.5
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