Prof. UAM dr hab. Jarosław Mikołajewicz, Prof. UAM dr hab. Andrzej Skoczylas
Adam Mickiewicz University
English abstract: In essence, this study aims at presenting basic intertemporal problems of administrative law. These problems are extremely complex and, despite a commonly held view on the alleged poorer theoretical issues in the field of administrative law, intertemporal issues in administrative law demonstrate an even greater level of complexity compared with such a well-developed discipline as civil law. This state of affairs stems from the very nature of this branch of law. Presumably, this is why within the field of administrative law we may encounter application of not only all basic descriptive principles of administrative law, but also of those principles that are particular in a certain aspect (e.g. the principle of validity, the principle of lex mitior retro agit). It is equally important to mention that intertemporal decisions are made also in the field of administrative law; the content of these decisions is only partially (if at all) determined by positive law.
Keywords: intertemporal problems of law, principle of law, administrative law, principle of validity, principle of lex mitior retro agit, intertemporal decision
Language: English
Published: Number 1(4)/2012, pp. 51-68.
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