Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
English abstract: The article is an attempt to analyse the views of Rudolf von Jhering and Otto von Gierke views on the question of social dimension of private property. These two German lawyers formulated their ideas during the period of search for the solutions to socio-economic problems regarding private property and its scope. They both represented essentially identical views on the importance of private property in the context of its existence in the community. In order to fulfill the research task described above, the article firstly analyses the historical and ideological background for solutions to the problems of private property in Germany in 19th century. Secondly, the article examines the question of the individual’s position within the community in the thought of Jhering and Gierke. The third part of the article analyses the views of these scholars on the essence of the legal order in the context of private property. The last part of the article refers to their views on private property perceived as a phenomenon which by definition includes limitations and results in both rights and obligations for the owner.
Keywords: private property, Rudolf von Jhering, Otto von Gierke, community, social obligation
Language: Polish
Published: Number 1(34)/2023, pp.46-57
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36280//AFPiFS.2023.1.46
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