Prof. UŁ dr hab. Jerzy Leszczyński
University of Łódź
English abstract: This article describes the relation between law and morality when applied to solving legal problems. The relation in question is not understood solely as a conflict between law and morality which implies a need to decide in favor of one or the other. Indeed, moral contents of law make references to morality not only possible but necessary. The limit for those references is established by legal equality principle. Moreover, an internal variety of morality is being analyzed. Some part of it needs to be secured by law what in itself does not harm social and individual identity, that is, public and private morality is distinguished, then minimal and maximal morality – concepts proposed by Michael Walzer. That idea taken from a legal point of view leads to seemingly best funded proposal: particular and cooperative morality.
Keywords: minimal morality, maximal morality, Walzer, public morality, cooperative morality
Language: Polish
Published: Number 4(25)/2020, pp. 42-53.
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