Bartosz Janik
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
English abstract: The objective of this article is to provide an explanatory framework for legal grounding. Grounding, understood in recent years as a metaphysical determination, has proved to be a fruitful object of inquiry for legal theorists trying to explain the thesis about the relationship between social facts and legal facts in metaphysical terms. However, the debate on the use of the notion of grounding in the philosophy of law lacks a concise and precise differentiation of the various assumptions behind grounding that philosophers have recently discussed. This article offers a prospect for analysis of a debate about grounding of legal facts and an interpretation of focal terms in light of recent metaphysical debates.
Keywords: grounding, explanation, philosophy of law, legal facts, social facts
Language: English
Published: Number 2(35)/2023, pp. 34-42.
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