Prof. dr hab. Wojciech PATRYAS
University of Szczecin
English abstract: First of all, the subject of deliberation are norms understood as expression-types. Such a norm exists, because its quotational proper name is not an empty name. This means that the said norm belongs to the universe of appropriate metalanguage. In other words, this norm is a value of a bound variable of that language. Therefore, there exist not only norms understood as expression-types, but also norms understood as expression-tokens, norms understood as the meanings of expressions, and norms understood as ordered pairs. Moreover, norms understood as expression-tokens exist spatiotemporally because they are things. Meanwhile neither norms understood as expression-types nor norms understood as meanings of expressions, nor norms understood as ordered pairs exist in space or in time, because they are abstract objects. Besides, no norm exists intentionally.
Keywords: norm, to exist, to exist spatiotemporally, to exist intentionally
Language: Polish
Published: Number 4(37)/2023, pp. 68-78.
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