Mgr Maciej Juzaszek
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Abstrakt w języku angielskim: The main aim of the author is to analyze the term “moral intuitions”, used in discussions pertaining to moral luck. He presents the contemporary psychological estimation of moral intuitions based on the research of Jonathan Haidt (Social Intuitionist Model) and philosophical moral intuitionism. He claims that these two approaches do not have one subject of interest; hence, psychologists and philosophers study two different phenomena, both of which can serve as grounds for discussion concerning moral luck. However, the author concludes that there are valid reasons to question the normative status of moral intuitions in both psychological and philosophical senses, proving the discussion to be very complicated. On the other hand, he names coherentism as a possible cipher to adequately describe or even solve the problem of moral luck.
Słowa kluczowe: intuicja moralna, traf moralny, osąd moralny
Język artykułu: angielski
Opublikowano: Numer 1(10)/2015, s. 41-52
Ściągnij plik: Download
Liczba ściągnięć: 414