Dr Tomasz Barszcz
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
English abstract: The article concerns the relationship between beauty and a lawyer’s professional work. I attempt to: 1) discover and describe the activities that are particular of such work as well as are determined by beauty; 2) characterize the way in which beauty determines these activates; and 3) point out ontological reasons of this determination. The reflections do not, however, include all activities which the lawyer’s craft consists in, but are limited to those in the course of which decisions are made. Beauty determines a lawyer’s work via the process of decision-making; and if a decision is conceived as an act of cooperation between intellect and will, then the decision is related to beauty in three ways. First of all, beauty constitutes a sine qua non for finding out the circumstances in which the decision is made. Additionally, beauty suggests to the decision-maker the options as the optimal means to an end. Finally, beauty influences the approval of a decision already made.
Keywords: beauty, law, decision-making, intellect, will
Language: Polish
Published: Number 4(25)/2020, pp. 17-28.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36280/AFPiFS.2020.4.17
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