Dr hab. Arkadiusz Barut
University of Wrocław
English abstract: The subject of the review is a monograph by Karol Dobrzeniecki “Law on emergency situations. Between legalism and necessity” (Toruń 2018). According to the reviewer, the nature of the work determines the distinction between an emergency situation, that is, a factual state requiring action not provided for by law and a state of emergency, i.e. a legal institution. The main purpose of the work is to analyze the relationship between the recognition of an exceptional situation only in legal terms, and its approach as a political and moral issue. The work has interdisciplinary character. Karol Dobrzeniecki, analyzing jurisprudence, political philosophical, doctrine of constitutional law, as well as constitutional, international and supranational legal regulations, points out the danger of legal “normalization” of a state of emergency, that is, the penetration of its specific solutions into the law intended for the ordinary situation, and hence blurring of the distinction between ordinary and exceptional situations. The author of the reviewed monograph believes that the exceptional situation should be assessed primarily in moral and political categories, being aware of the tragic nature of the choices made at the time.
Keywords: emergency situation, state of emergency
Language: Polish
Published: Number 1(22)/2020, pp. 121-125.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36280/AFPiFS.2020.1.121
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