Mgr Michał Stachurski
University of Opole
English abstract: Philosophy, being a field that looks for answers to various questions, does not overlook topics related to human work and technology. Usually, reflection is arranged along two axes: the economic and ethical one. These questions are a tool to attempt to define the value of human work as precisely as possible, also within the framework of axiology. The topic of work and its importance in human life was also taken up by Józef Tischner. He is counted as a representative of such trends as the philosophy of meeting or personalism. The aim of this article is to show what work is in Józef Tischner’s thought, what its goals are, and how Józef Tischner characterized the ‘man of work’ within the philosophy of dialogue, as well as a certain interpretation of Tischner’s thought in the context of contemporary existential philosophy and social ethics.
Keywords: work, Tischner, dialogue, existentialism, social ethics
Language: Polish
Published: Number 4(29)/2021, pp.71-81
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