Prof. UŚ dr hab. Sławomir Tkacz, Prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Tobor
University of Silesia in Katowice
English abstract: This article is an extended and supplemented version of the address given during the scientific conference dedicated to Professor Piotr Winczorek. The authors made an attempt to reconstruct theory-of-law views based on the statements of Piotr Winczorek. The subject of the research was especially issues related to the axiology of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. In the course of research such issues as the concept of the legal order in the light of constitutional provisions, constitutional values, constitutional principles, and sources of law were taken up. One of the interesting problems emphasized by Piotr Winczorek was whether the basic law should be frugal in terms of manifesting values. The research is supplemented by an analysis of the problems of legal interpretation in the works of Piotr Winczorek. The conducted analyses enable formulating a general conclusion that many problems raised by Piotr Winczorek are referred to in the current constitutional disputes. Therefore, it is worthwhile to refer to the works of Professor Winczorek, whose statements can be treated as an authentic interpretation of the Polish Constitution of 1997.
Keywords: Piotr Winczorek, theory of law, legal interpretation, Constitution of the Republic of Poland, legal values, legal principles
Language: Polish
Published: Number 1(30)/2022, pp. 113-125
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