Dr Michał Paździora, Mgr Michał Stambulski
University of Wrocław
English abstract: The political is a category entirely absent in the Polish theory and philosophy of law. Article presents history of “the political”, category developed by thinkers such as M. Weber, K. Marx, C. Schmitt, Ch. Mouffe and the main assumptions of the practical aims of theory of law present in alternative projects: Poznań-Szczecin methodological school and L. Morawski critical theory. Despite the declared theoretical differences, both projects are characterized by a similar understanding of the theory, which involves the objectivity of knowledge with involvement of universal point of view. Thus, the inclusion of the category of political in both projects, especially in legal education, is ignored.
Keywords: the political, postmodernism, agonism
Language: Polish
Published: Number 1(8)/2014, pp. 55-66
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