Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
English abstract: The paper is devoted to the notion of public participation and an attempt to propose a slightly different understanding and approach to this than usual. The author acknowledges the potential of theatrical methods, especially the proposal of A. Boal, the Legislative Theatre, whereby the theatre is used to create proposals for legislation, bringing additional value to the participation process. The LT is a point of reference, but the following reflections refer to theatre and performance in a more general sense. The article focuses on the corelations between theatre and different relevant fields of social activity to determine and present potential benefits of using theatre in the process of participation. It is to present a preliminary review of relevant ideas that can stimulate future reflection about theatricalizing participation, rather than presenting a direct and comprehensive proposal.
Keywords: public participation, law, community, politics, legislative theatre, therapy, protest
Language: English
Published: Number 2(35)/2023, pp. 5-19.
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