Dr Dobrochna Ossowska-Salamonowicz
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
English abstract: Freedom of the press is one of the best ways of reflecting and shaping public opinion about the ideas and attitudes of political leaders, public figures or those entrusted with public functions. Freedom of the press is also an opportunity to depict reprehensible phenomena such as corruption, fraud, crime or nepotism. The press may be faced with types of subjects that may cause dilemmas for the journalist. Whose interest should above all be represented: the interest of the society or the state? What is more important: the right to privacy or the right of access to information?
Keywords: interest of the state, freedom of the press, duty to serve the public, journalist
Language: English
Published: Number 3(24)/2020, pp. 118-126.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36280/AFPiFS.2020.3.118
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