Prof. UŁ dr hab. Bartosz Wojciechowski
University of Lodz
English abstract: The article deals with the need for acceptance of pluralism of ways of life in modern legal orders, which should allow each individual to find his or her own modus vivendi in a diverse world. Such an attitude is particularly important in the discussion on LGBTQ rights, for which the starting point is the case law of the Supreme Administrative Court in these matters. The author points out that proper exercise of rights and tolerance for pluralism of values, beliefs and ways of life is not possible without legal consciousness of the entities belonging to certain minorities, which is built by a sensitive and pluralistic attitude of judges, reflected in their judgments.
Keywords: equality, (non)discrimination, identity, legal consciousness, axiological pluralism, human dignity, recognition
Language: Polish
Published: Number 2(31)/2022, pp. 97-108.
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