Dr Maciej Dybowski
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
English abstract: The article is a metaphilosophical and metatheoretical discussion relating to the theory of law pursued in the mainstream of the classical project of analysis. The purpose of these remarks is to show the challenges which philosophical pragmatism, and especially analytical pragmatism, poses to classical analysis. The first part of the text is devoted to the presentation of the mainstream of postwar Polish law theory as the implementation of the analysis program, with the conception of Z. Ziembinski serving as an example. The next part characterizes analytical pragmatism of R. Brandom and the challenges addressed to such research programs as classical analysis. The last part examines philosophical benefits that classical analysis could obtain by embracing the challenges of analytical pragmatism. These include the ability to overcome the cognitive dualism, better justification of rationality and extending the anthropological perspective.
Keywords: pragmatism, Robert Brandom, Zygmunt Ziembiński, analytical philosophy
Language: Polish
Received: 05.01.2017
Accepted: 22.01.2017
Published: Number 1(14)/2017, pp. 17-33.
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