Mgr Michał Dudek
Jagiellonian University
English abstract: The aim of the article is to indicate some of the axiological problems faced by the legislator in the law-making process. They are clearly visible in those legal regulations that are introduced in response to crisis situations. The presented example – terrorist attack by hijacking a plane – is not only used to demonstrate dilemmas which in this situation must be settled by the legislator preparing relevant legal provisions, but it is also a pretext for enriching the discussion on the axiological aspect of the law. The article focuses on the so-called natural helplessness of law in axiological matters, law inflation and the problem of responsibility. The author concludes that issues indicated in the article cannot be solved in the light of current Constitutional Court’s judgements, which are treated as a reference point of the discussed issues.
Keywords: cultural defence, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism, militant ethnocentrism, criminal law, minority rights
Language: Polish
Published: Number 2(3)/2011, pp. 47-60.
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