Prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr W. JUCHACZ
Democratically Legitimized Law: Deliberation and Empowerment of Citizens. Introduction
Prof. UAM dr hab. Karolina M. CERN
Deliberative Philosophy of Administrative Sciences
Prof. UŁ dr hab. Bartosz WOJCIECHOWSKI
Reflections on the Dynamism and Deliberativeness in the Interpretation of Law on the Example of Cases Concerning LGBTQ+ Rights
Epistemology of Application of Law and the Principle of Democratic Rule of Law
Prof. dr hab. Ewa NOWAK
Philosophy of Right for Lay Judges. Hegel’s and Fichte’s Perspective
Prof. UAM dr hab. Barbara JANUSZ‑POHL
The Principle of Citizens’ Participation in Criminal Trials and Legitimization of the Justice System
Dr Paweł MAZUR
Remarks on Lay Judges in Polish Criminal Process Passing Moral Judgements
From the life of the Polish Section of IVR: