Prof. KUL dr hab. Tomasz Barankiewicz, Prof. UJD dr hab. Bogusław Przywora
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, The Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Deradicalization at Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa
English abstract: The paper is an attempt to argue for the methodological distinctiveness of legal sciences. The methodological distinctiveness (specificity) of legal sciences has been presented in three dimensions: 1) the subject; 2) methods and 3) purpose of scientific research. The analysis can be used both for the argument against the lack of a methodological identity of the legal sciences and positively for the comprehensive research and the integrative model of the legal sciences. In view of the complexity of the subject and the aims of legal science should be used various research methods. In further research, it would be advisable to establish their possible systems in a specific research problem.
Keywords: methodology of legal sciences, the subject matter of legal sciences, the methods of legal sciences, the research objectives in the legal sciences
Language: English
Published: Number 3(32)/2022, pp. 5-18
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